Click here to view or edit the list of picture files queued for compression. Uncheck this option to leave the application open when compression is finished. Check this option to quit the application when compression is finished. Type in the suffix to be added to the copy of the compressed file. Compress and copy selected. Click here to create a compressed copy of the picture file. Compress and replace selected. Click here to compress picture files and replace them. *WARNING* Compression is permanent. Uncheck this option in order to start compressing picture files from the desktop without showing this dialog. Check this option to show this dialog each time before compressing picture files from the desktop. Uncheck this option to prevent this program from searching inside folders and compressing all the picture files found there. Check this option to search within folders and compress all the picture files found there. Video compression selected. Click this option to use Video compression. JPEG compression selected. Click this option to use JPEG compression. Click and drag the slider to adjust the compression quality. The lower the quality, the higher the degree of compression. Click here to revert to the previously saved settings. If files are queued, click here to start the compression process. Otherwise, save the current settings. This control is much too complicated for a novice to use. Click on this item to deselect it. This item cannot be selected because it is inapplicable. Click in this item to select it.